Blog posts

Seventh parliament:  are these the legislators we deserve?

By Moepeng Talane South Africa’s electorate may have taken decisive action in the 29 May polls to help discontinue the one-party rule era that we have seen since the dawn of democracy, but a whole month later, the official announcement on who will lead in the Cabinet of the government of national unity is yet Read more >

Whistle-blowers take centre stage on WWBD

By Janine Erasmus World Press Freedom Day (WPFD), marked every year on 3 May, is a day of both reflection and reminders – the former giving media professionals a chance to think about issues of press freedom and professional ethics, and the latter prompting governments to respect their commitment to press freedom. But WPFD is Read more >

 The Youth Day pledge we need from the 7th administration

By Siphokuhle Mkancu The 29th of May 2024 marked the seventh democratic election in South Africa, and based on the election results being that for the first time in the democratic era no single political party achieved a clear majority, the country is headed towards a formation declared by its proponents to be a government Read more >

Concourt’s MK judgment is about integrity of Parliament

By Moepeng Valencia Talane The journey to the 2024 elections has presented South Africans with a lot of critical topics to ponder in relation to governance, policy, and the integrity of public office. We have more options in this election than before, and our responsibility in electing who takes this country forward is consequently more Read more >

Elections and the dirty game of disinformation

By Janine Erasmus At face value, the activity of electioneering appears to be well-intentioned – a simple act of campaigning for your political party of choice – but dirty tricks and manipulation abound when election campaigning goes into full swing and politicians’ consciences are nowhere to be found. Politicians often play on voters’ desperation and Read more >

Will Gordhan’s legacy be harmed by recent events?

By Moepeng Valencia Talane – CW Voices Public Enterprises Minister Pravin Gordhan recently told Parliament in a written response to a question that state entities under his watch for the past five years, which include Eskom, Transnet and South African Airways (SAA), had lost over R200-billion to corruption in that period. He has also announced Read more >

Democracy at work in Mapisa-Nqakula, Hlophe, and Motata cases

Image: Flickr/GovernmentZA By Moepeng Valencia Talane – CW Voices Never before has South Africa seen the impeachment of a judge over gross misconduct, and yet in February, two such processes were completed. Then we saw the Speaker of Parliament not only resigning from office before the end of her term, but also arrested and arraigned Read more >