Site icon Corruption Watch

Call for proposals: outdoor marketing and promotions

Bua Mzansi 2


Corruption Watch is a non-profit organisation founded in 2012. We rely on the public to report corruption to us and use these reports as an important source of information to fight corruption and to hold leaders accountable for their actions.  Corruption Watch’s aim is to ensure that the custodians of public resources act responsibly to advance the interests of the public, and to ensure that opportunities for entering into corrupt relationships are reduced.

As part of the Bua Mzansi (Speak up South Africa) campaign, Corruption Watch will be embarking on outreach activities in the Northern Cape, Eastern Cape and Limpopo to achieve the following results:

  1. Increase the number of corruption reports received from these provinces;
  2. Create awareness and engagement around the Corruption Watch brand; and
  3. Create awareness and engagement specifically around issues of corruption in the housing, health and licensing sectors.

The above activities are to take place over a period of 2 to 3 weeks in each province. The proposed timelines for the provincial outreach are:

Corruption Watch seeks to appoint an agency / consultants to provide strategic outdoor marketing services in key cities in the above mentioned provinces. The appointed agency / consultant will be responsible for delivering the following:

  1. Booking all venues for brand promotions
  2. Building a mobile roadshow that is easy to transport to various locations (the roadshow should consist of a marketing trailer, sound system, one MC and four activators)
  3. Printing of banners and imagery for the marketing trailer
  4. Sourcing of merchandise that can be distributed at the promotional events

Please note that Corruption Watch will provide all the artwork required for printing.

Interested applicants are to provide a full proposal consisting of the following information:

  1. Short summary about your organisation / personal skills;
  2. Motivational letter;
  3. Identification of key locations within each province to host promotional activities (please include population figures, languages spoken in the area, as well as the LSM of the region);
  4. Promotional ideas to increase the number of corruption reports received and engagement with the Corruption Watch brand;
  5. Quotation for 2 to 3 weeks of activity per province;
  6. Two references.

The deadline for proposals is 30 May 2017 and must be submitted to Kavisha Pillay by close of business.

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