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BJC calls for budget that prioritises the economy and socio-economic rights

Budget Justice Coalition

Tomorrow, 23 February, Finance Minister Enoch Godongwana will table the 2022 national budget – his maiden speech, and the first post-crisis budget. There is widespread consensus on the need for inclusive growth and job creation, and the Budget Justice Coalition (BJC) strongly believes that economic recovery and a pro-poor budget can co-exist. 

However, the regression in the realisation of socio-economic rights and the unequal enjoyment of the right to health, education and social assistance cannot and should not be ignored.  

The success of the economic plan is contingent on the strengthening of public services, without which any attempt to revitalise the economy or achieve inclusive growth will be dead on arrival. Poverty reduction requires public expenditure on basic needs.

On 21 October 2020, the BJC tabled Imali Yesizwe (Our Nation’s Money), an alternative human rights budget. The coalition believes that the following recommendations by Imali Yesizwe are still relevant and in fact, are the best way to move forward as a nation with the challenges we face. 

For media enquiries contact: 

Phemelo Khaas                                                                     083 763 3472


Civic organisations who are part of the Budget Justice Coalition include: the Alternative Information and Development Centre (AIDC), the Children’s Institute at UCT (CI), Corruption Watch (CW), the Dullah Omar Institute at UWC (DOI), Equal Education (EE), Equal Education Law Centre (EELC), the Institute for Economic Justice (IEJ), Oxfam SA, Pietermaritzburg Economic Justice and Dignity Group (PMEJD), the Public Service Accountability Monitor (PSAM), the Rural Health Advocacy Project (RHAP), SECTION27 as well as friends of the coalition.

The purpose of the Budget Justice Coalition is to collaboratively build people’s understanding of and participation in South Africa’s planning and budgeting processes – placing power in the hands of the people to ensure that the state advances social, economic, and environmental justice, to meet people’s needs and well-being in a developmental, equitable and redistributive way in accordance with the Constitution.

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