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Big-time bribes to bring opponent down

27 March 2012 – A job and a Beemer are the lures allegedly used by Musa Mkhatshwa, a member of the ANC Youth League (ANCYL), to persuade a journalist to trash a potential opponent of Mpumalanga Premier David Mabuza.

Suspended ANCYL provincial secretary Musa Mkhatshwa has been accused of persuading a journalist to write negative stories about Mpumalanga’s MEC for Health Clifford Mkasi, after the league endorsed Mkasi as a suitable candidate to replace Mabuza as the current provincial chairperson.

Mkhatshwa, who was suspended from the league for being undisciplined, allegedly promised Caxton journalist Mbekezeli Mbuli a job in the Mbombela municipality in Mpumalanga and a BMW if he wrote the articles.

Mkhatshwa also allegedly wrote a story to which Mbuli put his byline. The story quoted a fictitious Professor Robert MacMillan saying Mkasi was an unsuitable candidate and was incapable of leading the provincial ANC.

Mbuli could not be reached for comment. Emails were also sent to him with questions about the incidents.

Mkhatshwa has denied all the allegations, maintaining they are part of a smear campaign being waged by ANCYL members who object to his loyalty to Mabuza.

On the subject of the alleged bribe, Mkhatshwa asked: “How can I employ someone when I do not even have a job myself, or offer to give someone a BMW when I drive a Corolla?

“How can I bribe someone to write false stories about a person who is not even a threat?" he asked, adding "Mkasi is definitely not going to win the ANC provincial elections and I am not going to support him.”

“I have nothing to do with these allegations and nobody told me that Mkasi was going to run for these elections.”

Provincial ANC spokesperson Paul Mbenyane maintained that the allegations were based on rumour.

“The ANC regards this matter as an allegation. But we are encouraged by the fact that Mpumalanga media is investigating the issue,” he said. “We hope this investigation will be concluded speedily.”

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A job and a Beemer are the lures allegedly used by Musa Mkhatshwa, a member of the ANC Youth League, to persuade a journalist to trash a potential opponent of Mpumalanga Premier and ANC provincial chairperson David Mabuza.

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