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August 2021

Posts for August 2021

10 August 2021

Former South African Airways CEO Siza Mzimela has stuck to her guns on the conduct of Malusi Gigaba during what appeared to be an attempt to bully the national airline into relinquishing a flight route between Johannesburg and Mumbai, India. Gigaba was minister of public enterprises between 2010 and 2014.

Mzimela sticks by her Gigaba evidence

11 August 2021

Former South African Airways CEO Siza Mzimela has stuck to her guns on the conduct of Malusi Gigaba during what appeared to be an attempt to bully the national airline into relinquishing a flight route between Johannesburg and Mumbai, India. Gigaba was minister of public enterprises between 2010 and 2014.

Ramaphosa: “Disingenuous” Molefe had powers to act against Prasa graft

12 August 2021

The recent move to relocate the intelligence function of the state to the presidency is one of many aimed at addressing the state of corruption in the country and the weakening of the state. This is what President Cyril Ramaphosa told the state capture commission on Thursday.

Ramaphosa testifies on dysfunctional SSA

12 August 2021

Acting chief justice and chairperson of the commission of inquiry into state capture Raymond Zondo says he cannot wait to conclude the report of the three-year investigation and hand it over to President Cyril Ramaphosa. This as day two of Ramaphosa’s testimony drew to a close on Thursday.

Curtain (almost) closes on Zondo commission with words of hope from Ramaphosa

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