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April 2019

Posts for April 2019

1 April 2019

The 2009 Special Investigating Unit report on facilities management company Bosasa was compromised by a court interdict in the early stages of the probe in 2007 that prohibited investigators from interviewing material witnesses.

SIU’s Bosasa investigation hamstrung from start

3 April 2019

Advocate Marijke de Kock, senior prosecutor with the National Prosecuting Authority, told the commission of inquiry on state capture on Tuesday that the documents relating to Bosasa’s fraud and corruption case, submitted by the company’s former COO Angelo Agrizzi to the commission, were authentic NPA records leaked during her investigation several years ago.

More light shed on NPA papers leaked to Bosasa

5 April 2019

Former Free State MEC for economic development Mxolisi Dukwana told the commission of inquiry into state capture on Friday how he was set up by his boss Ace Magashule in 2011 to meet with Rajesh Gupta, who demanded a partnership in a major innovation project under his department.

Former Free State MEC tells of Magashule’s relationship with Guptas

8 April 2019

The chairperson of the commission of inquiry into state capture deputy chief justice Raymond Zondo on Monday slammed his legal team for its failure to adhere to the commission’s rules regarding notices given to people implicated by witnesses who testify before the commission.

Chairperson displeased with second McBride postponement

11 April 2019

The crime intelligence component of South Africa’s law enforcement network was primarily used to frustrate the work of the Independent Police Investigative Directorate (Ipid) for years, the commission of inquiry into state capture heard from former Ipid head Robert McBride on Thursday.

McBride tells of systematic weakening of Ipid under state capture

11 April 2019

The bulk of former Independent Police Investigating Directorate head Robert McBride’s testimony on Thursday focused on the illegal renditions case over which his office presided, that involved former Hawks head Anwar Dramat and his then Gauteng provincial counterpart, General Shadrack Sibiya.

Ipid’s independence compromised by ministerial interference

12 April 2019

Former police minister Nathi Nhleko acted incorrectly in suspending former Hawks head Anwar Dramat and his Ipid counterpart Robert McBride in 2014 and 2015 respectively, as he sought to pursue the agenda of rendering the two institutions dysfunctional.

Nhleko worked hard to destabilise Ipid, McBride reveals

15 April 2019

A notion that Robert McBride and former Hawks head Anwa Dramat know each other personally and are from the same background may have been the motivation behind the political smear campaign accusing McBride of trying to protect a guilty Dramat in the alleged 2010 illegal renditions case over which he was suspended in 2014 and later resigned.

Campaign against McBride, Dramat politically motivated

15 April 2019

Robert McBride, former head of the Independent Police Investigative Directorate (Ipid), and two of his executives were exonerated in 2015 following what he calls a politically charged campaign to get rid of him. This, he said, was for the corruption he exposed in the South African Police Service  over his five-year Ipid term.

Determined efforts to get rid of McBride, Dramat

15 April 2019

Former Ipid head McBride told the commission of inquiry into state capture on Monday that his successor, Israel Kgamanyane, who was appointed in an acting capacity, lied to Parliament when he reported that the performance of the agency had improved while McBride was suspended.

Mdluli, Zuma investigations the reason for dismissals of Dramat and Sibiya

16 April 2019

The South African Police Service (Saps) runs on a system of patronage – “I do favours for my seniors, I get promoted” – which has a serious consequence for South Africa’s fight against corruption, unless it is curbed, said former Ipid head Robert McBride on Tuesday.

Saps used dirty tricks to go after Ipid, O’Sullivan and Trent

17 April 2019

Before the first whistle of the iconic 2010 Fifa World Cup had gone off, controversial KwaZulu-Natal businessman Thoshan Panday had started making himself lots of money by supplying the provincial police office with services for which invoices were grossly inflated, with the help of senior officials.

Hawks investigation into KZN businessman Panday ruffled feathers

17 April 2019

A mutual friend of former KwaZulu-Natal Hawks head Johan Booysen and Edward Zuma attempted to get the latter’s father, former president Jacob Zuma, to intervene during a tense period when Booysen was investigating an apparent business associate of Edward’s, Thoshan Panday, in 2010. Booysen began testifying before the commission of inquiry into state capture on Wednesday.

Panday called in Zuma assistance when the trap tightened

17 April 2019

Detailing what sounded like the plot in a Hollywood detective movie, former KwaZulu-Natal Hawks head Johan Booysen told the commission of inquiry into state capture on Wednesday of events that occurred between 2010 and 2011 while he investigated the alleged corruption between Durban businessman Thoshan Panday and senior officials in the province’s police headquarters.

KZN police commissioner protected controversial businessman Panday

18 April 2019

Despite all efforts of the KwaZulu-Natal Hawks to bring Durban businessman Thoshan Panday and Navin Madhoe, his accomplice in the provincial South African Police Service (Saps), to book after a lengthy investigation of corruption, charges against them for the attempt to bribe Johan Booysen were withdrawn.

Corrupt accused pulled out all the stops to avoid prosecution

26 April 2019

Advocates Nomgcobo Jiba and Lawrence Mrwebi, who were both implicated in Bosasa’s bribery scheme, have been sent packing from the National Prosecuting Authority by President Cyril Ramaphosa, on the recommendation of retired Constitutional Court Justice Yvonne Mokgoro, who oversaw a commission of inquiry that sought to determine the pair’s fitness for office.

Ramaphosa fires Jiba, Mrwebi

The Zondo Commission is on a break at the moment and will resume on 2 May 2019.

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