Corruption Watch is an accredited Transparency International chapter

Corruption Watch is an accredited chapter for Transparency International (TI), a global movement that seeks to stop corruption and promote transparency, accountability and integrity at all levels and across all sectors of society. The status of accredited national chapter means that Corruption Watch is now part of TI’s network of just under 100 countries and is TI’s official reference point in South Africa.

TI’s accreditation process is transparent and collaborative, and aims to ensure that chapters and individual members continue to uphold the values and principles of the movement. Chapters are accredited according to a set of objective standards in three stages: from national contact, to national chapter in formation and finally to fully accredited national chapter status. Fully accredited national chapters pass through a review process every three years, aimed at ensuring continuous compliance with TI’s standards and strengthening the work of the chapters.

Visit Corruption Watch’s Transparency International page

Visit Transparency International