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South Africa’s score in relation to perceptions of tackling corruption in the country over the past year will once again be in the spotlight when global anti-corruption movement Transparency International releases its renowned annual Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) on Tuesday, 30 January 2024.

The CPI is the leading global indicator of public sector corruption, providing an annual comparative snapshot of 180 countries and territories. The index for 2023 is calculated using data from 13 external sources.

The 2023 CPI will assess how countries have responded to corruption over time, reviewing progress and failures over the last decade and beyond. The analysis this year will specifically focus on how weakening justice systems contribute to a lack of accountability for public officials, thereby allowing corruption to thrive.

Report release details:                                                              

Date: 30 January 2024

Time: 08h01

The 2023 CPI report will be published on Corruption Watch’s website on the above-mentioned date and time.

Embargoed materials will be made available on request.

For media enquiries contact:

Oteng Makgotlwe
Cell: 076 473 8336                              E-mail: