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2022 Corruption Perceptions Index to be launched on 31 January 2023

Microphones at a press conference

South Africa’s ranking in relation to global perceptions of corruption will be among the headlines when global anti-corruption movement Transparency International releases its annual Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) on Tuesday, 31 January 2023. This year’s theme is Conflict, peace and security.

Each year, the CPI scores 180 countries and territories around the world based on perceptions of public sector corruption, using data from 13 external sources reflecting the views of experts and surveys of businesspeople.  

In a year marked by the findings of the Zondo Commission, it is imperative that as a nation, South Africa is seen to be making progress in the fight against corruption by holding those responsible for large-scale corruption accountable. However, the country’s ranking has barely shifted over the years, and the jury is out as to whether we will see any meaningful change this time around.

The 2022 report will evaluate countries’ responses to corruption over time, reviewing progress and failures not just in the last year but over the last decade and beyond. A main point of focus in the report will be the connection between conflict, security and corruption – taking an in-depth look at how violence and corruption impact one another around the world.

Report release details:                                                              

Date: 31 January 2023

Time: 07h01

The 2022 CPI report will be published on Corruption Watch’s website on the above-mentioned date and time.

Embargoed materials will be made available on request.

For media enquiries contact:

Oteng Makgotlwe

      Cell: 076 473 8336          E-mail:

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